A list of the best universities that offer free scholarships


Most of the time, the financial obstacle stands in the way of many students’ desire to complete their studies in advanced universities outside their country, so the search for one of the free scholarships that cover tuition fees remains the only way for them, and the grants offered by institutions and governments in some countries are diverse and numerous. For universities, partial financial support is often provided, but there are some universities that offer free scholarships that cover their expenses in full for students coming from abroad who are accepted with these scholarships. In this article we mention these scholarships:

Scholarship application

1- Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)

Application deadline: December 7, 2023

Founded in 2000, the scholarship covers tuition fees through an amount donated by the Bill Gates Foundation and his wife Melinda to a university, estimated at $210 million.

Scholarships for students wishing to enroll in master’s and doctoral programmes,

– Academic Excellence: This scholarship seeks to select academically distinguished students who are capable of academic and research development in the disciplines they will join, and prove this to the student by submitting previous academic degrees in which he resided and academic papers. He resided in writing.

Leadership Skills and Potential: The scholarship is looking for leaders, for those who have the ability to attract and engage others in what they do or provide, for leaders who can influence others.

Desire to improve the lives of others: The ideal student and strong candidate for this scholarship must have a desire to make an impact and improve the lives of others through their field.

Possess appropriate academic qualifications for the programs offered at the University of Cambridge: The applicant must be able to convince the University that his qualifications and aspirations are suitable for the program of study for which he is applying at the University. Therefore, he must study the program he wishes to join, and know all its details, to decide whether it is suitable for him or not.

The scholarship covers all tuition fees, including the cost of studying at the university, tickets, visa costs, and required papers. It also grants a monthly allowance to the student.

2- (Clarendon Scholarship at Oxford University, UK).

Application deadline: January 6, 2023

This scholarship is considered one of the most popular scholarships, and the scholarship is offered to all students from all over the world who wish to enroll in master’s and doctoral programs, as about 140 scholarships are granted annually to students.

The scholarship seeks to select students who excel academically and who are scientifically distinguished and who have the capabilities and capabilities that enable them to compete in the future. Applicants must prove their academic excellence through (GPA) which must not be less than 3.7, and this can also be proven through academic records that contain their grades in various subjects, or by proof that they have received one of the awards or grants from their universities or any institutions.

What distinguishes this scholarship is that it not only gives students the costs of their studies, but also seeks to integrate them into a distinguished community of students who apply with them, as well as students who graduated from this scholarship, and thus provides them with a network of relationships that benefit them in their academic, professional and social lives, in the present and the future. .

The scholarship covers all tuition costs and also grants the student living expenses.

3- Westminster International Scholarships (UK)

Application deadline: October 13, 2023

The University of Westminster in the UK offers this scholarship to students from developing countries who wish to undertake a master’s program in any academic discipline at the university except MBA. Letter of admission to the university can apply for the scholarship.

The scholarship is looking for academically outstanding students who have obtained honors degrees, as well as students who are financially unable to afford the costs of their studies, and finally who have the ability and ambition to achieve development and development in their communities.

The scholarship covers all tuition, accommodation and living costs, as well as airfare to and from London.

4- University of Bradford Global Development Scholarships (UK

Application deadline: May 15, 2023

This scholarship provides assistance to students who find it difficult to afford their education. Due to the difficult circumstances they are living in in their countries, such as wars or natural disasters – check your country from here – and the scholarship dedicates its assistance to students who wish to enroll in master’s programmes, except for (MBA).

Admission requirements are that you are a citizen of one of the countries mentioned here, as well as that your qualifications and abilities are identical to the qualifications that the university is looking for in its various study programs, as well as that you have English language skills that enable you to study your study program in English.

The scholarship covers full tuition and accommodation costs, as well as living expenses for students for the duration of their studies.

5- Adelaide International Scholarships (Australia)

Application deadline: August 31, 2023

The University of Adelaide in Australia offers this scholarship to students who wish to enroll in master’s and doctoral programs, and students from all countries of the world can apply for this scholarship except for Australia and New Zealand.

The scholarship seeks to attract academically outstanding students with excellent degrees, who have the potential and ability to achieve a promising future in the academic and research fields. The student must also submit papers proving his ability to speak English.

The scholarship covers tuition fees in full, as well as an annual allowance for living and accommodation expenses.

6- (University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (Australia).

Application deadline: July 31, 2023

The University of (Sydney) in Australia offers this scholarship to students who wish to enroll in one of the master’s programs or post-graduate programs. The university seeks to attract academically outstanding students who are distinguished in the academic and research fields, to participate in the development of research activities at the university.

The scholarship covers the full cost of tuition, and a living allowance for up to three years of study and research.

7- Maastricht University High Potential Scholarship (Netherlands).

Application deadline: February 1, 2024

Maastricht University in the Netherlands offers this scholarship to outstanding students from all countries of the world outside the European Union who wish to enroll in a master’s program at the university.

The scholarship accepts students with the following conditions:

Be a student from any country outside the European Union.

To apply for a full-time master’s program at Maastricht University.

To have qualifications commensurate with the qualifications required in one of the study programs at the university.

He should not be more than 35 years old at the beginning of the academic year 2023-2024.

To submit evidence of his academic excellence in the last academic program he attended.

The scholarship covers full tuition fees, living allowance, and visa issuance expenses, in addition to some insurances.

8- TU Delft Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands).

Application deadline: December 1, 2023

The university offers this scholarship to students from all over the world who wish to enroll in a master’s program in cooperation with an institution, and the scholarship seeks to attract outstanding students to encourage them to complete their studies at the university, and it is only required that the student has a (GPA) equivalent to 80% or more, and is suitable for his qualifications One of the university’s study programs.

The scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses in full.

9- (Amsterdam (Netherlands) Scholarship of Excellence).

Application deadline: January 15, 2024

This scholarship is offered by the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands for talented and outstanding students from all over the world outside the European Union, and it is also intended for students who wish to enroll in a master’s programme.

The scholarship is looking for students who excel academically, as well as students who are distinguished by their promising ambitions, as well as students whose choices of study programs are appropriate to what they wish to achieve in their future career.

The scholarship offers study in some majors that are taught in English, namely: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities, and finally the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The scholarship covers full tuition fees and living expenses for one or two years if the student extends his studies.

10- ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarship Program (Switzerland)

Application deadline: December 15, 2023

This scholarship provides assistance to students from all over the world, including domestic students, who wish to enroll in a master’s programme.

The scholarship is looking for students who excel academically, so the student must be one of the students who represent the top 10% in the academic degree obtained in the bachelor’s degree.

The scholarship fully covers the cost of tuition and also provides a substantial amount for living expenses and additional study expenses.

11- Exemption from tuition fees for the Danish state and scholarships at Roskilde University (Denmark)

Application deadline: March 3, 2024

This scholarship is offered by Roskilde University in Denmark to talented and outstanding students from all over the world except for citizens of European Union countries.

The scholarship covers full tuition and living expenses for a maximum of one academic year.

12- International Leader of Tomorrow Award at the University of British Columbia (Canada).

Application deadline: December 1, 2023

This scholarship is the only one in the list offered to undergraduate students, and from all over the world except for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The scholarship is looking for students who are outstanding in academic excellence, who possess leadership skills, who have experience of involvement in student and community work, as well as achievements in areas such as the arts, sports, and creative writing or achievements in the competition for the gold test.

A student can apply for the scholarship if he agrees to the following conditions:

This is the first time he has enrolled in an undergraduate programme.

That his qualifications match those required in the university’s programs, including the admission requirements for English language proficiency.

Have an academic record of 85% or its equivalent.

Not to hold Canadian citizenship or to have permanent residence in it, except that he can apply for the scholarship.

To be able to prove the financial impediment that prevents him from bearing the costs of studying at the university.

The student must also obtain the recommendation and nomination of the secondary school in which he obtained the general secondary certificate, which the student submits as part of the required papers.

The scholarship may cover the costs of education in full if the student proves unable to bear all the costs, and may cover costs partially if the student and his or her family have the ability to bear part of the costs

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